Friday, August 19, 2011

Thanksgiving post in August

Fall and Christmas (not winter as I hate the cold after Christmas) are my favorite time of year! I decorate like crazy for fall, thanksgiving and Christmas. I usually take time out in November to thank everyone, it is kind of a big deal to me.

However my heart couldn’t wait for leaves and chilly weather.

I am thankful for my faith, God is good all the time. Even in the trials and tribulations!

I am thankful for my husband. We may not be perfect people but somehow we are able to give and take enough to have the perfect marriage (for me). His love and companionship are my better half.

I am thankful for my children. They touch my heart and are turning into the most wonderful little people.  I am thankful to have one more gift coming soon (in fact she should arrive in about 30ish days). I feel so blessed to have children who are beautiful from the inside and out.

I am thankful for my life. It may not be the crème de la crème to some people but it feels amazing. I am giving birth in 36 days and I get to stay at home with my little girl, in our brand new house and neighborhood where my children have already made friends with children and we really like our neighbors. We have lots of couple friends and my husband and I get date nights very regularly! Life is such a blessing!

I am thankful for the rest of my family who love us like no tomorrow. I am thankful for my husbands job, I am thankful for the flowers in bloom in our backyard, I am thankful to have a puppy dog who is loved like another child in our family. I am thankful for the opportunity to spend more time with my children at their school this year. I am just thankful for a good life! Today my heart is full of thanks!

"It isn't what you have in your pocket that makes you thankful, but what you have in your heart."

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