Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Found on craigslist

Jedi Needed To Induce Labor:I am nearing towards my due date and I am miserable. My child is about 9 lbs now and I still have 2 weeks to go.
I was hoping that tonight's full moon will do the trick, but this child is as snug as a bug in my uterus.
I'm looking for someone who possesses Jedi powers to use their mind tricks on my child to convince him to come early. The sooner the better.
If you are a master in the way's of the Jedi please help me deliver this child! Many thanks and may the force be with you!


I had an all out head on the desk,  belly shaking laugh moment at this craigslist posting.

Boy do I know how this MOMMA feels! With 30ish days left I am ready!!!!

You have no idea the problems you face when preggers... The other day my husband and I were in the car and were going to switch drivers. I told dear husby that I would just hop over the center console into the passenger seat no problem!! (LMAO) Half way through the process I was like, UM  I need to check myself before I wreck myself.......WTPREGNANTFARK was I thinking??? Self did you really forget you are 9 months pregnant and this isn't as easy as it was when you weighed 150lbs??????? I felt like a turtle trying to flop over with it's big shell in the way.

Ahhh and yes.... Let's not forget the 7+ times in the middle of the night FUN of waking up to pee. You know it is bad when you annoy the DOG. He too, is showing signs of sleep depreivation and now sneaks coffee from the pot in the mornings.

Now I don't mean to sound ungrateful for our precious gift. She is already a blessing and even in the womb has such a little personality! I am just simply saying that if she chooses to come a week or two early or a Jedi wants to help me out too, this momma has no objections at all!!!! :)

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