Sunday, September 11, 2011


I was eating breakfast, pregnant with my (now 9 year old) daughter when this happened. I remember the sick feeling in my stomach that had nothing to do with pregnancy. I remember the dryness in my throat and just how completely unreal it seemed.

9-11 We will never forget.

Since then, I have gone on to read a book about flight 93, and marvel at how brave those people were. But,  in some way WE ALL were brave. Every single American that the attacks effected was brave that day. Some much more brave than others... I mourn the price that was asked of many that day.

Today, the story of Peter Negron was so touching. He was the little boy (11) who read a poem at the tribute ceremony that happened 10 years ago. He is all grown up and trying to fill the shoes of his father to his little brother. My heart breaks for these family 9-11 effected and cost.

Then and Now...What an amazing son he is, what an amazing person he is.... please take time to read his story.
Peter Negron 10 years Later

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