My maiden voyage in the land of blog and I don't feel quite ready. I don't look the part of the modern wife- I am 7 months pregnant in mis-matched pajamas and I need a haircut. I have also been thinking about some highlights er...maybe..... low lights (since its the end of summer here shortly). However I type disappointedly because I haven't a clue! I should know exactly what to do with my great hair predicament, because I was modern enough to buy a book called "The busy girl's guide to looking great"
I bought the book while rejoicing the fashionista saints who were looking down on me with pity and highlight hints from above. Imagine my further success when I was finding this book on the clearance table.(while running an errand at the bookstore and in a hurry).
The back cover says it's a fabulous book and I bet that the tips for make-up, hair (highlights) and diets are incredible. The problem is... I am too busy to read it! I would laugh at the cliche of it all if I didn't feel victim to a marketing ploy! Preying on the weak-minded busy moms/wives hoping this book would make them feel like they had a personal stylist in their back pocket. . Yep haven't done anything but dust the cover of the book on my nightstand.
One for the ad execs and Zero for the modern wife......At least the cover looks great.